

Casting your digital vote with Zeus

Zeus is a highly successful online voting system with ultra-high security, excluding any possibility of tampering with the result, together with guaranteeing full voter anonymity. 

Kenya Finland partnership boosts access to geoinformatics education and training to aid sustainable development

The groundbreaking TAITAGIS project aims at building a critical mass of postgraduates equipped to overcome the huge human resource deficit in Applied Geoinformatics in Kenya and Eastern Africa.

Making big data deliver

Researchers at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne wanted to know why there were an increasing number of patients – about a third of them women – being diagnosed with certain types of lung cancer when none of them had smoked and their families had no history of cancer. They turned to big data analytics.

Supercomputer scrutinizes Finnish parliamentary elections

As social media like Facebook and Twitter become increasingly influential in the decision making of the voters, social scientists take an interest in scrutinizing, how discussions and debates emerge and evolve in the intersection between traditional media and social media. Finnish researchers have enlisted a supercomputer to crack the data.