
AARNet (Australia)

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Supporting First Nations research and knowledge

Delivering the network that's helping to preserve and foster a greater understanding and appreciation of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Efficient data transfer boosts genomic research for Australian laboratory

Genetics technical specialists at the Biomolecular Resource Facility are using the Globus data movement service through AARNet to share huge datasets with national and international collaborators.

Supporting cutting-edge volumetric video-based performance

Research and education networks in the Asia Pacific collaborated to provide the ‘SuperSpeed’ network to deliver an interactive live volumetric video performance between Sydney and Tokyo at SIGGRAPH Asia 2023.

Collaboration strengthens Australia’s geodetic capabilities

Position, navigation and timing services rely on geodetic data, such as how fast the Earth is spinning and the tilt of its axis, collected from observatories around the globe.

Helping a community stay connected after record floods

When floods inundated the city of Lismore Australia, Southern Cross University became a hub for the town, using AARNet to provide connectivity for recovery efforts.

Connecting the first dark matter detector in the Southern Hemisphere

AARNet connects scientific instruments and research facilities across Australia, extending the network infrastructure to new sites, such as the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory in regional Victoria.

Powerful network supports new ways of exhibiting and preserving digital media

AARNet’s high-performing low-latency network underpins exhibitions and public programs and collaborations hat are driving innovations in media, technology and user experience for museums.

Optical fibre: a new way of monitoring earthquakes

A huge network of optical fibre runs underground across Australia, delivering the internet on light pulses. Optical fibre is very sensitive to vibration, making it an option for recording the Earth’s tremors.

Connecting researchers to the supercomputers at the cornerstone of Australian researchers

AARNet’s partnership with supercomputing centres, universities and research institutes allow researchers to connect to some of the fastest supercomputers in Australia and undertake globally competitive research.

Furthering international research collaboration through competition

NRENs supported the Data Mover Challenge 2021, an annual international competition that brings together experts from industry and academia and tests their software and solutions for transferring huge amounts of research data.

Researchers put Einstein’s theory to the test

A research team used telescopes around the world, including CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope – Murriyang, to complete the most challenging tests yet of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, and found it holds true.

Simulating atoms for green energy

To help Australia transition to a lower emissions economy, researchers at Griffith University are using the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre and AARNet to explore new materials for more efficient green energy production.