
Asia Pacific

Technology and tenacity in the Himalayas

A team of network engineers from the Nepal Research and Education Network and researchers from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development based in Kathmandu, Nepal have built a sensor network using wireless technologies to monitor high altitude climate change.

Stronger disaster response for the Philippines

Mitigation of the effects of natural disasters and major accidents will be supported by a collaboration with the European Union Earth observation program, Copernicus.

Efficient data transfer boosts genomic research for Australian laboratory

Genetics technical specialists at the Biomolecular Resource Facility are using the Globus data movement service through AARNet to share huge datasets with national and international collaborators.

A superconductive platform for quantum computing

A Japanese research consortium involving NICT and partners has developed a 64-qubit quantum computer based on superconductivity.

The Philippines rolls out academic roaming

eduroam is now available at university campuses in The Phillipines, allowing students, researchers, and staff of the participating institutions to connect to the internet at their own campus and when they visit other partner universities and institutions worldwide.

Supporting cutting-edge volumetric video-based performance

Research and education networks in the Asia Pacific collaborated to provide the ‘SuperSpeed’ network to deliver an interactive live volumetric video performance between Sydney and Tokyo at SIGGRAPH Asia 2023.

Breakthrough in detection of photons

Observation of processes inside live cells, optical communication in deep space, and quantum computers are examples of applications which will benefit from a new Japanese technological achievement.

Breakthrough in post-quantum cyber-security

Collaborating to develop the world’s first smart card systems able to withstand even quantum computer attacks.

Robotic telesurgery across international boundaries

Through the cooperation of multiple networks, three different international redundant routes were established between the two sites and created a highly robust telesurgery environment.

Personalised healthcare made cyber secure

A trial in Japan has demonstrated the world’s first system able to store genome data from many individuals in multiple locations so that they can be used for medical treatment and healthcare.

Empowering researchers in the Asia-Pacific region

The recent REN Leaders Forum served as a platform to facilitate greater united coordination to help increase the impact of the technologies and capabilities NRENs provide for enabling of research in APAC countries.

Collaboration strengthens Australia’s geodetic capabilities

Position, navigation and timing services rely on geodetic data, such as how fast the Earth is spinning and the tilt of its axis, collected from observatories around the globe.