

Austria gearing up for the quantum age

A collaborative project is building network infrastructure capable of transmitting quantum information.

Digital twins help prepare for climate change

A new European initiative, Destination Earth, will use models of Earth sub-systems to assist authorities in preparing for extreme weather events related to climate change.

Digital classes help Thailand cope with COVID

Efforts to advance distance learning in Thailand got off to a jump start, as the COVID-19 pandemic hit by spring 2020 thanks to a collaboration to deploy Zoom.

Epilepsy and ADHD brain research in Georgia

Irma Khachidze has been preparing the ground for novel computational methods to study such brain disorders in Georgia, supported by GRENA within the EU-funded EaPConnect project and its ‘Enlighten Your Research’ programme.

Remote education relieves second wave of COVID in Nepal

Member institutions and other public academic institutes including government schools used Zoom to operate online classes.

Distance learning revolution in Bangladesh

The national research and education network of Bangladesh has assisted its member institutions in setting up online education and conferencing services in response to the global pandemic.

Quantum computing predicts Finnish housing prices

A project involving Finland's research and education network is working on a new tool for complex calculations.

International collaboration challenges and solutions for Ukraine’s particle physicists

For Ukrainian researchers at Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, planned changes to the Large Hadron Collider will bring a challenge. But a new ‘spectrum’ digital highway provided by URAN and the EU-funded EaPConnect project offers a ‘future-proofed’ solution.

The week that brought Sri Lanka e-learning

Networks collaborate to deploy online learning technology to the research and education community during the pandemic

How astronomers are making the universe feel smaller

While astronomers tackle the largest research area possible – the entire universe beyond the Earth’s atmosphere – just a few telescopes around the world provide much of the data they study to uncover the secrets of the universe’s celestial objects.

Gold-containing particles target cancer

Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, have shown that gold nanoclusters are well suited for delivery of drugs specifically to cancer cells.

European cities share experiences on sustainability

Colibri, a service developed by the Portuguese national research & education network hosted a knowledge exchange on urban sustainability involving 161 European cities