
REANNZ (New Zealand)

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Accelerating New Zealand’s climate research

"The ability to share our data comes from the interconnection between the HPC and the network," says climate scientist Dr Jonny Williams.

Working towards a greener China with Wuhan University

REANNZ, Unitec, NIWA and Wuhan University are working collaboratively to address the concerning issue of air pollution, via an innovative three-year project that incorporates high-end environmental science, and cutting-edge Internet technology.

Designing a computer system for the SKA

The Square Kilometre Array, or SKA, is the biggest science project New Zealand has ever been involved in, and it will produce more data than the world has ever seen.

How much energy can we get from the ocean?

Ross Vennell is a man driven by a challenge. He is a physical oceanographer investigating how we could generate electricity from tidal currents, “a bit like having wind turbines under the water”. New Zealand is one of the best places on the planet to extract energy from the ocean, and Ross is trying to estimate how much power we could actually get from turbines.

Data mining the sky

Stuart Weston collects data observed by the Warkworth radio telescope and shares it with scientists who use it to run their own experiments without needing to be at the telescope.