
RNP (Brazil)

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Supporting the global challenges of the novel coronavirus

The global network of interconnected National Research and Education Networks is boosting international capacity where needed as part of the global rapid response to the recent novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.

IoT solution may help in the treatment of obese children

Data from the Internet of Things Applied to Pediatrics project developed in Brazil may contribute to the early identification of risk factors related to obesity.

Cooperation with Mozambique: from telehealth to cybersecurity

A collaboration between Brazil and Mozambique involving training and knowledge sharing has yielded beneficial results in a number of areas ranging from telehealth to cybersecurity.

Using educational games to teach math

3rd grade students from seven public schools near Sao Paolo have participated in a pilot project for the preparation of games to favour math learning. The project is proving that learning numbers and calculus can be a more fun experience with the use of educational games in the classroom

LAGO Observatory: global collaboration, cosmic results

The LAGO (Latin American Giant Observatory) project traverses the skies of Latin America to set its sights on uncovering the mysteries of faraway galaxies.

System collects data to minimize climate change impact on the Amazon

The Amazon region is one of the ecosystems on the planet most affected by global climate change. The reason is variations in the Ecuador line cause events like floods, droughts and storms that directly affect the environment and the local population.

Networking of galactic proportions to uncover the mysteries of the universe

The skies of Latin America have captivated stargazers for centuries. Today, the landscape is dotted with many of the world’s most advanced and important regional, national and international observatories, providing forefront access to the heavens and beyond – enabling groundbreaking research to advance our knowledge of the universe.

Brazil breaks new ground with advanced telemedicine network

The Telemedicine University Network Rute in Brazil is considered the biggest initiative in telemedicine and telehealth in the world. Watch the interview with Rute’s coordinator, Luiz Ary Messina, and learn more about the reach and roadmap for this world-changing initiative.

Social media snitches on imminent cyber-attacks

Together with researchers from several universities, Brazil's research and education network RNP, has designed an early warning system that monitors a range of social media channels to spot imminent attacks and to launch preventive measures and counterattacks.

Super-connectivity for one of the world’s brightest light sources

1200 researchers from all over the world visit the Brazilian city of Campinas near Sao Paolo every year, to work at the National Laboratory for Synchrotron Light, LNLS. Among other things, synchrotron light has been essential for the production of new drugs, fertilizers, cell analysis, the study of different types of soil and new sources of energy.

Creating an atlas of the black-eyed bean genome

“Without Science DMZ, our laboratories would be isolated islands,” says Ana Benko-Iseppon, a Brazilian researcher working on the global project to develop more environmentally adapted cultivated forms of the black-eyed bean.

Brazilian university develops a remote experimentation tool for public education

When the teacher Karine Coelho, from the Balneário Arroio da Silva School, in the State of Santa Catarina, needs to teach inclined planes, propagation of heat, electrical circuits or other matters in the Physics curriculum for high school, her students have access not only to the theory, but to practical experiments that reinforce the content taught in the classroom, within the reach of their cellphones.