
SINET (Japan)

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Robotic telesurgery across international boundaries

Through the cooperation of multiple networks, three different international redundant routes were established between the two sites and created a highly robust telesurgery environment.

Applying virtual reality technology to improve body image

Researchers in the BODYinTRANSIT project are studying how Body Transformation Experiences (BTE), or perceptual illusions of body change, can be engineered, to create the illusion of being something different than what they are in reality.

Improving gastric cancer survival rates in Central Asia

R&E networks help save lives by powering interactive remote training of endoscopists on novel techniques for early stomach cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Singapore and Sapporo scenic sites come to life via R&E network link

In February 2018 spectators in Singapore were enchanted by crystal clear video images of the Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan whilst viewers in Japan could remotely take in the beauty of Singapore's iconic Botanic Gardens: long-distance cultural exchange powered by cutting-edge video technology and high-speed R&E network links.

E-portfolios help Japanese engineering students improve learning

The Engineering Department of the Kyushu Sangyo University in Japan has designed a dedicated e-portfolio as an educational tool to make students aware of their strengths and weaknesses, helping them achieve their goals in a structured fashion.

International DNA database drives genetics research

Genetics researchers around the globe have access to a comprehensive record of all sequenced DNA, thanks to an international effort to share massive amounts of information between databases in Japan, the United States, and Europe.

Keeping the medical data in Japan’s university hospitals safe in case of disaster

The Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011 caused significant damage to local hospitals in the disaster area, destroying medical information systems in the hospitals and losing patients’ important medical records. The losses prompted Japan's university hospitals to jointly construct a new backup system that keeps their medical backup data in remotely located areas.

Finding valuable data in a massive amount of noise

Japanese researchers – together with colleagues from around the world – are analysing data from the Joint ALMA Observatory, located in a remote part of Chile on the Atacama plateau, 5000 meters above sea level. High-speed research networks enable researchers to carry out their studies wherever they are situated, without needing to be at the observatory.

Removing geographical barriers to education and training for doctors

For more than a decade, the Telemedicine Development Center of Asia based at Kyushu University Hospital in Fukuoka, Japan has facilitated remote training of surgeons, sharing of knowledge and the spread of best practice across the Asia-Pacific region, and more recently globally.