More than 2,000 young women in Western Africa have received a jump-start for pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering and math through regional network WACREN.
Thanks to the technology developed by the Institute of Astronomy and the high-performance Belnet connection, (future) astronomers will be able to continue their research from 3,000 kilometres away during the COVID-19 crisis.
Funding to access cloud services is enabling researchers at the University of Malta to use machine learning for investigating how COVID-19 restrictions influence our wellbeing.
The collapse of the famous Arecibo Observatory Radio Telescope, Puerto Rico, at December 1, 2020, was a great loss for science. Still, things could have been a lot worse...
According to a Danish survey, 15 % of public employees admit to ignoring security guidelines of their workplace, while before the pandemic the same figure was just 8 %.
Tracking the migratory patterns of fish required connecting a vast number of sensors and cameras and the capacity to flawlessly transfer terabytes of recorded images and signals.
Working collaboratively across academic and industry in order to improve the conditions under which entrepreneurs operate, which is one of the main challenges faced by countries for their development in the future.