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Two pipe organs 2,000 km apart in concert

Because of its sheer size, a pipe organ is bound to the location where it’s situated, making it very rare for organists to be able to play together. Until now. A magic moment occurred at theTNC16 research and education network conference in Prague: two organs more than 2000 km apart will play a concert together, thus creating a completely new musical experience.

Supercomputer scrutinizes Finnish parliamentary elections

As social media like Facebook and Twitter become increasingly influential in the decision making of the voters, social scientists take an interest in scrutinizing, how discussions and debates emerge and evolve in the intersection between traditional media and social media. Finnish researchers have enlisted a supercomputer to crack the data.

Helping Australian Museum scientists save endangered koalas

Access to cloud services, such as high-performance computing and storage, that are impractical for the museum to house on site is significantly improving the analysis process and the way data is shared between Koala Genome Project partners, opening the door to new insights for conservation and protection.

Forecasting emerging technologies

Swedish information scientists collaborate with global pharmaceutical company and data mining experts to forecast technologies related to intelligent pharmaceuticals.

How this astronomer looks back in time

Steven Tingay is passionate about designing and building radio telescopes in outback Western Australia and using them to look at the first stars and galaxies.

The world’s most accurate space weather simulator

As computer simulations go, Vlasiator is as huge as they come. Developing Vlasiator, Minna Palmroth, professor at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, has succeeded in doing what many of her colleagues thought impossible: Simulating weather in near-Earth space, showing how solar wind affects us, using high performance computing and high speed networks to do so.

Ireland’s digital citizens set for the future

The provision of high-speed broadband to many primary and every post-primary school in Ireland affords schools greater opportunity to embed technology in the teaching and learning process. This opens the door to a faster, richer, more interactive and more informative Internet experience than was possible before.

Joining forces to advance water management

“Water is fundamental to our lives, for food production, and for the health and prosperity of our cities. Both Australia and China face similar challenges around the of water in rural and urban areas and for several years we have been working together to find sustainable solutions for water resource management that benefit both nations,” says Professor John Langford.

Penn State leverages cloud storage to gain on-court advantage

Realizing that rapid review of game play was the best way for players to improve their technique, the Penn State men’s volleyball coach sought a cost-effective, portable means for the team to study game footage and exchange notes on the go. Enter NET+ Box, made available to Penn State through its membership in Internet2.

eduroam: imparable

eduroam (education roaming) es el acceso en roaming seguro, a nivel mundial, desarrollado para la comunidad académica internacional, y parece imparable, expandiéndose hacia otros países y más allá de esta comunidad. Desde su aparición en Europa en el año 2003, eduroam ha ganado popularidad dentro de las instituciones académicas, encontrándose actualmente disponible en 76 países, expandiendo más allá de las instituciones académicas, llegando al ambiente público, comercial y a iniciativas de Wi-Fi en distintas ciudades.

Processing sensitive data for schizophrenia research

Swedish researchers are incorporating sensitive register data in their cross-border analyses of the interaction between genetic and environmental factors for schizophrenia. Thanks to Tryggve, a new Nordic initiative to advance the utilization of sensitive biomedical data.

Playing with (real) time: antiquities, art and science come together over the network

“I was curious to explore the possibilities of a poetic approach to concepts of presence and absence in different places," says acclaimed director Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, who exploited the brand-new fiber optic connection to the Italian research and education network of major archaeological sites in Rome to create a unique live performance.